Mike Channon OBE
Senior IO

Mike Channon

Having graduated with a BSc in Chemistry from Sussex University, followed by a Dip Ed, Mike taught for one year at Brighton College before joining the Navy as an Instructor Officer in September 1968. After initial training at BRNC Dartmouth, he served in HMS Pembroke, HMS Plymouth, HMS Sultan, HMS Seahawk (three times), HMS Daedalus, HMS Kent, HMS Warrior, HMS Tamar, MOD London, and SACLANT, USA (twice) in a career of more than 28 years, predominantly specialising in meteorology and oceanography (METOC). Mike left the Navy in the rank of Commander at the end of 1996, but continued working in education and training management as a NATO civilian at SACLANT HQ in Norfolk, Virginia. Now in full retirement, his extensive knowledge of the Instructor Officer Specialisation means that he can provide invaluable advice and input to all RNIOA editing and writing projects.

Read his Service Story here.