

Welcome to the RNIOA website, which commemorates the experiences and achievements of those who served in the Royal Navy's Instructor Officer ('Schoolie') Specialisation. For operational and budgetary reasons, the Navy Board decided to disband the branch (in 1996), and pass its responsibilities to civilians and 'platform' officers (Supply, Engineering and Seaman).


An RNIOA overview of education and training plus a newly-developed history timeline (1702-1996) can be found on the 'History' page. More details of the history and sub-specialisation work undertaken by Schoolies (Meteorology and Oceanography, IT, Resettlement, etc.) can be found in 'Links' and 'Service Stories'.


The aim of our website is to provide an educational resource for former Instructor Officers and the general public concerning the spectrum of work that Schoolies undertook in the Royal Navy. As such we would welcome contact from former RN Instructor Officers, and they are invited to send us their stories (see 'Service Stories'). Contributors can choose to password protect their stories for restricted viewing.


We are a nonprofit organisation and give freely of our time so we do not ask for donations. Our association, as yet, does not have membership or hold AGMs. All decisions on the running of the RNIOA are currently made by its co-founders. However, those wishing to show appreciation for our work can donate to the Royal Navy Officers' Charity.

  The RNIOA book & tie  
  Feedback from associates  

Recent News

  25/03/24    Our seventh newsletter has been sent out. For more information, see our newsletters page.
  10/12/23    Mike Channon has submitted an article about the Fastnet 1979 yacht race disaster. See our articles page.
  17/08/23    John Melrose has submitted an article called Putting the O in METOC. Visit our articles page.

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